Mick Shimonek

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MS18-05 Stream on Owl Creek Pass 18x26 O WEB
painting is sold


18" x 26"

MS18-02 Valley of the Damned 38x30 O WEB
painting is sold


38" x 30"

IMG_9153 copy
painting is sold


26" x 31"

painting is sold


26" x 18"

painting is sold


11" x 14"

IMG_9137 copy
painting is sold


26" x 36"

IMG_9146 copy
painting is sold


14" x 16"

DSCN3212 copy
painting is sold


20" x 26"

DSCN3215 copy
painting is sold


16" x 21"

DSC_0277 copy
painting is sold


24" x 48"

DSC_0279 copy
painting is sold


24" x 48"

MS17-01 Early Autumn Aspen 18x26 oil 1,500 F WEB
painting is sold


18" x 26"

Crested Butte Gallery

409 Third Street

PO Box 453 Crested Butte, CO 81224

(970) 349-5936
