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WA20-05 Afternoon Pastime 9x18 1800 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


9" x 18"

WA20-04 North Park Evening 28x30 oil 6,700 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


28" x 30"

WA20-03 Mother Calling 14x16 oil 2,500 F
painting is sold
William Alther


14" x 16"

WA20-02 In Their Element 40x30 oil 9300 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


40" x 30"

WA20-01 Pause on a Rock 20x20 oil 3,900 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


20" x 20"

WA19-06 Robins Roosting 24x18 oil 3600 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


24" x 18"

WA19-04 Cherry Creek Teal 20x26 oil 4500 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


20" x 26"

WA19-02 Ball of Light 9x9 oil 1100 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


9" x 9"

WA19-03 December Buck 10x12 oil 1500 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


10" x 12"

WA19-01 Afternoon Refreshment 12x16 oil 2000 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


12" x 16"

WA18-06 Sawatch Bighorn 18x14 oil 2600 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther



WA18-04 Above it All 30x24 oil 5800 F WEB
painting is sold
William Alther


30" x 24"

Crested Butte Gallery

409 Third Street

PO Box 453 Crested Butte, CO 81224

(970) 349-5936