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RO23-08 Cramer Lake Falls 33x25 oil 12,700 F WEB
painting is sold
Ralph Oberg


33" x 25"

CT23-04 Across the Colorado 20x24 pastel 5200 F WEB
painting is sold
Clive Tyler


20" x 24"

LW23-05 Autumn Forest 9x12 oil 1400 F WEB
painting is sold
Lucius Welch


9" x 12"

IK23-32 Winter River Light 24x36 acrylic 2750 F WEB
painting is sold
Ivy Kim


24" x 36"

TC23-09 Into the High Country 12x12 oil 925 F WEB
painting is sold
Taylor Crisp


12" x 12"

MV23-13 Lean Into Me 20x20 acrylic 1950 F WEB
painting is sold
Marissa Vogl


20" x 20"

GP23-12 Interior Mind 48x60 oil 31,500 F WEB
painting is sold
Gregory Packard


48" x 60"

DG23-07 Sunrise Haze, 8x6 inches, oil on linen panel 1500 WEB
painting is sold
David Grossmann


8" x 6"

painting is sold
George Bumann


54″x11″x 23″

HVS23-02 The Duel, (from Last Wagon Train by Zane Grey)24.5x 50.5 oil 8200 F WEB
painting is sold
Harold Von Schmidt


24.5" x 50.5"

NE23-01 Sixty Acres of Trouble 7.75x7.25 ink 1600 F WEB
painting is sold
Nick Eggenhofer


7.75" x 7.25"

HVS23-01 Holiday Scene 24x36 watercolor 12,000 F WEB
painting is sold
Harold Von Schmidt


18.5" x 31"

Crested Butte Gallery

409 Third Street

PO Box 453 Crested Butte, CO 81224

(970) 349-5936