Marissa Vogl

View Artist Bio
MV24-05 Red Dahlia 60x60 acrylic 12,000 WEB
painting is sold


60" x 60"

Flame-Boyant 24x36
painting is sold


24" x 36"

I Love Cranberries 24x36
painting is sold


24" x 36"

24x36 sound of Leaves
painting is sold


24" x 36"

MV24-07 Carnival 60x48 acrylic 9,500 WEB
painting is sold


60" x 48"

MV24-06 For the Love of Bees 60x60 acrylic 12,000 WEB
painting is sold


60" x 60"

MV24-04 Yes Ma'am 36x36 acrylic 5000 WEB
painting is sold


36" x 36"

MV24-03 Sheltered Beauty 30x48 acrylic 5100 F WEB
painting is sold


30" x 48"

MV24-01 Poppin' 36x36 acrylic 4700 F
painting is sold


36" x 36"

MV24-02 Trail Blazer 24x30 acrylic 2700 F
painting is sold


24" x 30"

MV23-13 Lean Into Me 20x20 acrylic 1950 F WEB
painting is sold


20" x 20"

MV23-12 Petals 20x20 acrylic 1950 F WEB
painting is sold


20" x 20"

Crested Butte Gallery

409 Third Street

PO Box 453 Crested Butte, CO 81224

(970) 349-5936