The Gallery
Throughout each year, Oh Be Joyful Gallery presents hundreds of pieces of art by over 50 nationally recognized living artists and a growing collection of historical masters. Constantly striving for the highest quality in our curation, we show everything from major centerpieces for your collection, to smaller gems evocative of your unforgettable experiences in the Colorado high country.
What Sets Us Apart
While a gallery is certainly a place to display and sell artwork, here, we strive to do more than just that. Over the years we've created opportunities for artists and art lovers ranging from pack horse paintings trips to film screenings, and studio and garden tours to backpacking excursions - all with easels in-tow.
A Sense of Place
For generations, Crested Butte has been known as "The Last Great Ski Town" and "The Wildflower Capital of Colorado". Those slogans don't come close to describing the magical feelings that overtake you when you come face-to-face with the staggering wild beauty of this town and it's surroundings. To experience this place means having a piece of it in your heart always.
May your world be filled with beauty
A gallery is more than
just walls and art.
It is a sense of community,
Of Pride for Crested Butte.
A gathering place
for art lovers,
For history enthusiasts.
A place where encounters
with beauty are happening
all the time.
UPcoming shows
We are located at:
409 Third St.
Crested Butte, Colorado 81224
You'll find us in the heart of Crested Butte, 1/2 block south of Elk Ave. on the West side of Third Street.
Across the alley to the south is our Italian restaurant neighbor Marchitelli's Gourmet Noodle.
phone: 970-349-5936
OPen 11-7
six days a week
Closed on Tuesdays