Oleg Stavrowsky

Oleg was born in 1927 to Russian parents in Harlem, NY. His early art career progressed to include technical illustration, newspaper fashion illustration, and eventually all commercial illustration. He was employed primarily in the mid-West including Detroit, Minneapolis, and Oklahoma City.

Stavrowsky found Western Art as a later career. He kept the same work routine for creating paintings as he had learned in commercial art and had a vast collection of imagery to pull from a file cabinet he had built up of photo references. He is known for his loosely rendered landscapes and idealized version of the American West. His works are made in the tradition of artists such as Frederic Remington with a focus on horses, Native Americans and cowboys.

(1927 – 2020)

Crested Butte Gallery

409 Third Street

PO Box 453 Crested Butte, CO 81224

(970) 349-5936
